End users are searching for solutions to accurately measure, track and reduce their energy costs. These costs are primarily related from consumption of electricity, natural gas or other fuel sources such as oil, propane, steam, water etc.
In order to track and reduce energy related costs, we first must measure the usage that will help identify where, when and how much energy is being consumed.
Step 1: Measure the Source(s) - Get the right hardware.
Energy Tracking provides two main products dedicated to energy measurement. The web enabled electric meter (WEM-MX) measures electric consumption and demand using voltage and current inputs for each phase. It has interval data logging (load profile) functionality.
Our web enabled pulse data logger (WEPM) has pulse counting capability and interval data logging (load profile) functionality. This is the ideal product if you have a gas meter or any other type of transducer that provides a pulse output also known as a KYZ output.
Step 2: Installation Guidelines & Manuals:
Installation guidelines and manuals can be found at: click here.
Step 3: Acquire the Data
All our products have a built-in web server that can easily be accessed via MS Internet Explorer web browser. WEM-MX Screen Shots & ET Analytics.
Our meter’s reporting technology is automated and pushes reports at a user defined schedule such as every 1, 15, 30 minutes or greater. Data is sent via email, ftp or web services.
Step 4: Data Analysis
Now, that we have covered accurate measurement, acquisition and reporting we need to view this information.
Typically, the first place to start is viewing the consumption that identifies where, when and how much energy was consumed.
If you require an application that can be accessed 24 X 7 any place via a web based browser then Energy Tracking Analytics is the right application.
Our Enterprise Energy Tracking Analytics Web portal (Click here for more details on ETA) provides significant reporting and management capabilities. ETA is an enterprise level energy information & management software (cloud based web portal) that automatically collects and manages valuable energy data and then translates the data into useful and actionable insights to the customers. ETA’s cloud-based robust data capture and analysis help users gain control over their energy costs via variety of interactive and automated energy analytics tools that are delivered via a convenient and easy to use web browser.
ETA manages large volumes of historical data from meters. It presents current data up to the last granular interval, hourly, daily, and monthly or yearly as well as historical data both in tabular and graphical form providing greater visibility and control of energy consumption.
We also offer a Real-Time Mobile Application for Android OS. Click here for more details on ET RTM
For end users who are looking for a proven low cost, end-to-end solution, our electric meter and/or pulse logger combined with one our software products are an ideal choice for applications that require fast, accurate and real-time information. The flexibility and versatility of these products make them suitable for sub metering, load profiling, demand reduction/load curtailment programs and energy management.
| Company | WEM-MX Electric Meter | WEPM Pulse Data Logger | ET Analytics | WEM-MX Screen Shots & ET Analytics. | Latest News | Reports | Overview | Applications